The Surfe API uses API keys to authenticate requests and control access to the available features. This helps make sure that we keep things running smoothly for everyone by enforcing rate limits.

Managing the API Key

In order to obtain an API Key, navigate to the Surfe dashboard at https://account.surfe.com and login. On the "API settings" section, you will be presented with the options to create, copy and delete your API Key. API Keys are unique for each user, and each user can have only one at any given time.


The API Key is secret and it should be handled carefully. If you suspect your API Key has been compromised, delete it as soon as possible and create a new one in the Surfe dashboard.

Using the API Key in requests

All the requests sent to any Surfe API endpoint needs to be authenticated with a valid API Key. Include your API Key in the Authorization request header like so:

curl --location 'https://api.surfe.com/v1/*SOME ENDPOINT*/' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer *YOUR API KEY*' \
--data ''

See the error responses section for details about unsuccesful authentication responses.

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