Credits & Quotas

Some of the services offered by the Surfe API consume credits or are limited by usage quotas

People enrichment credits

When enrching people via the API, Surfe can provide two levels of information:

  1. Email, landline phone and other personal details (depending on availability) like the LinkedIn URL, job title, etc..
  2. Mobile phone

Each level consumes credits: email credits for the first level, and mobile credits for the second. If the user does not have enough credits in their account, the enrichment request won't be processed.

This system applies to the following endpoints of this API

For more information about credits, check the following articles from the Surfe help center:


The following quotas apply when using the Surfe API. Contact customer support if you would like to increase your quota allocation.

Quota typeDescriptionAdditional notes
People enrichmentEnrichment of 2000 person profiles per day, either using single or bulk enrichment endpointsSingle enrichment will consume one quota, whereas bulk enrichment will consume a quota for each profile requested to be enriched
People searchA total of 200 people search requested results per day
Organization enrichment and searchEnrichment or search of 2000 organizations per day, either using single enrichment, bulk enrichment or search endpointsSingle enrichment will consume one quota, whereas bulk enrichment will consume a quota for each profile requested to be enriched. Organization search will consume as much quota as the amount of results requested
Organization look-alikesA total of 200 organization look-alikes requested results per day

All daily quotas reset at midnight, on the user's local time.

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