Enrich Contact (start)

Quota and credits limitation

This endpoint will not succeed if there is no contact enrichment quota or credits available

Starts the enrichment of the provided contact using the Surfe cascade, and returns the enrichment ID.
The enrichment will run asynchronously, in order to check the enrichment's progress and results, send a request to GET /v1/people/enrichments/:id



AuthorizationRequiredBearer <token>

In: header

Request Body


Information about the contact to enrich


Type of enrichment to execute

Value in: "email" | "emailAndMobile"

Provide either a linkedinUrl or a combination of "firstName lastName companyName" or combination of "firstName lastName companyWebsite"

curl -X POST "https://api.surfe.com/v1/people/enrichments" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
    "enrichmentType": "email",
    "person": {
      "clientID": "DEPRECATED",
      "companyName": "ACME corp",
      "companyWebsite": "acme.org",
      "externalID": "external-id",
      "firstName": "Jane",
      "lastName": "Doe",
      "linkedinUrl": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/janedoe/"

Enrichment ID

  "id": "enrichment-id"