Enrich Companies (get)

Quota limitation

Results received from this endpoint count towards the company enrichment and search quota.

Provide an enrichment ID and the endpoint will return the corresponding company enrichment results.



AuthorizationRequiredBearer <token>

In: header

Path Parameters


Enrichment ID from where to retrieve the results

curl -X GET "https://api.surfe.com/v1/organizations/enrichments/bulk/<string>" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>"

List of enriched companies

  "organizations": [
      "addresses": [
          "isPrimary": true,
          "raw": "526 Coyote Road, CA, USA"
      "annualRevenueRange": "10-50M",
      "description": "The Acme Corporation is a fictional corporation that features prominently in the Road Runner/Wile E. Coyote animated shorts as a running gag. The company manufactures outlandish products that fail or backfire catastrophically at the worst possible times.",
      "digitalPresence": [
          "name": "X (Previously Twitter)",
          "url": "https://x.com/acmeorg"
      "externalID": "external-id",
      "followersCountLinkedin": 1000000,
      "founded": "1920",
      "fundingRounds": [
          "amount": 2,
          "amountCurrency": "USD",
          "announcedDate": "1920-01-01",
          "leadInvestors": [
            "Road Runner"
          "name": "Seed round"
      "industries": [
          "SubIndustry": "Commodity Chemicals",
          "group": "Materials",
          "industry": "Chemicals",
          "sector": "Materials"
      "ipo": {
        "date": "1920-01-01",
        "sharePrice": 1,
        "sharePriceCurrency": "USD"
      "isPublic": true,
      "keywords": [
      "linkedinUrl": "https://www.linkedin.com/company/acmeorg/",
      "logoUrl": "www.acme.org/logo.jpeg",
      "name": "Acme Corporation",
      "parentOrganization": {
        "name": "Cyberdyne Systems",
        "website": "skynet.org"
      "phones": [
      "size": 100,
      "stocks": [
          "exchange": "NASDAQ",
          "ticker": "ACME"
      "website": "www.acme.org"